Hockenheim, 12.10.2020 – A new version of the enterprise file sharing suite epiKshare has been released. The company cites the completely revised end-to-end encryption as the central innovation. This gives users access to a range of new features such as encrypted subfolders and file timestamps, further increasing auditability and transparency when sending files. In addition, epiKcloud integration has been made smoother, compatibility with all common web browsers has been increased and performance has been greatly improved. Users also benefit from the ability to exchange security tokens via “key exchange” and to download received files via a specially developed tool directly without a browser.
epiKshare is available at https://www.epikshare.com/ and can be tested free of charge for 30 days.
Multi-client capable, encrypted subfolders
From now on, epiKshare users have the possibility to define individual subfolders when sharing certain files, to which only certain authorized users have access. This allows to share complete folder structures with a single dispatch and define individual access rights for individual users and subfolders. This not only increases clarity when sharing files, but also enables more efficient sending, as several files with different access rights can now be shared with an entire organization in a single mail.

Timestamps for encrypted files
Also new is the possibility to time stamp sent files. If the specified time is exceeded, the recipient of the shared data can no longer access it. This function considerably reduces the need for aftercare, as files once shared automatically lose their validity after a certain period of time and do not have to be made inaccessible manually.
Enhanced compatibility
In the course of the last updates the compatibility of epiKshare for various platforms has been greatly enhanced. The tool now supports version 10.5 of epiKcloud and is backwards compatible with older versions up to epiKcloud 10.1. epiKshare also supports all common browsers such as Google Chrome, Safari, Mozilla Firefox, Microsoft Edge and Chromium in both desktop and mobile versions. Internet Explorer 11, which is still frequently used in the Group environment, can also be used with the tool.
Improved performance and revised user interface
The performance of epiKshare in encrypting files has been greatly improved. Since epiKshare relies on single file encryption for maximum security, changing folders with many files or adding users will result in a large amount of encryption work. This process has now been significantly accelerated and is up to 10 times faster with epiKshare 1.1 than in previous versions of the suite. Updates are also more stable due to the automatic denomination of large files.
Furthermore, various adjustments have been made to the user interface. The most striking new feature is the introduction of a status bar that allows users to track the progress of uploads and encryption.
Key Exchange in case of loss
Also new is the “Key Exchange” function, which allows users to exchange the assigned security key in case of loss or compromise of a hardware encryption token such as a YubiKey, thus restoring access to shared data.
Download without browser
A tool specially developed by epiKshare now allows users to receive files encrypted with epiKshare without using a browser for downloading. If users verify themselves with their security token, they can download the files they have shared with them directly in the tool. This function is particularly useful for users who work with extremely large amounts of data in encrypted transmission.
epiKshare is available at https://www.epikshare.com/ and can be tested free of charge for 30 days.