
News and updates from epiKshare 


21. November 2022

The new versions of the epiKshare Outlook plugin bring bug fixes, a new installer, better performance and support for password limits in epiKcloud.

01. January 2019

GUI Update for Sharing and Settings Allow Creation of Upload-Only Folders including Folder Watching and Notification Recursive Folder Download Full E2ee Decryption support (Enterprise only): E2ee Download Support incl. PKCS#11 Hardware Token Support (Enterprise only): Folder-Watch Support: Get Notification when a new File has been uploaded Simplify Sharing Support for Remote Profiles

01. January 2018

New password generator for easier to enter passwords Show available space when sharing Cancel chunk thats currently uploaded Add notification on upload/share/send background events New pending-share / progress window Download of remote files through webdav browser Support for multiple file uploads including support for additional attachment via drag and drop

01. January 2017

Cloud Client not longer required for uploading UI and Performance Improvements Support for Chunked Upload Cancel Uploads Support Remote Browsing and select Files/Folder to Share from WebDav E2EE: Auto-generate Group-Name (=Foldername) and allow to Override Update Translation files Proxy Support Support Office 2019

01. January 2016

Support Outlook 2010, 2013 und 2016 NEW .MSI Installer Simple Share Management


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